Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Confessions

Usually we do "midweek confessions" around here but life happened so welcome to "Friday Confessions!". Hopefully this light-hearted post will bring some cheer on day #2 of dreary rain!

1. When I saw it was supposed to rain for 2 days straight because of the tropical storm, my first thought was that it was going to make the pool cold. Selfish much? Forget the flooded streets and power outages.... my pool that has just become tolerably warm enough to swim will now be cold again. Lord forgive my selfish thoughts!

2. I made a photobook this week on Shutterfly that I agreed to post on my blog for a $10 coupon... Making those  photobooks is one of my favorite hobbies but I refuse to make one without a groupon or coupon so excuse my shameless Shutterfly post but hey.... it's a free $10.... Anyways, I made this one of fall/winter/spring iPhone photos and tried to make one spread (2 pages) of the "Queen of Mischief" photos.... I had enough pictures for 8 pages of Avery doing things she shouldn't be. I had twice as many photos of her being mischievous than I did of her being sweet or good which sounds about right. I bet I'll cherish those photos more one day anyways!

3. Along the same photo lines, I have probably 4 times as many photos of Avery as I do of Parker. He just doesn't like picture whereas Avery will ask you to take one of her. But on the flip side, I have WAY more videos of Parker than I do Avery. Kids, I promise I love you both equally... mama's just not good about Even-Stevens when it comes to family documenting I guess!

4. I have deemed today "jammie day" at our house. We have been going going going lately and I was SO looking forward to a lazy rainy day like I used to have back in college where you lay on the couch and watch Gilmore Girls all day... except I have kids so while I'm in my jammies and "watching" Wreck it Ralph {again}, I have accomplished more before 9am than I did in college over a whole weekend. I would never trade my life but a rainy day alone to watch whatever I want and nap might be on my Christmas list this year. PS- Wreck it Ralph is a really cute movie... the first 43 times.

5. For breakfast today, Avery ate 6 mini blueberry muffins, blueberries, strawberries and half a banana... while upstairs putting the dog bed in the washer, I hear Avery yell, "MOMMY! Pancakes!" and I couldn't help but giggle and think of the scene in Wedding Crashers where Chazz screams for meatloaf. Unfortunately, I couldnt find a clip that didn't include the F bomb at the end to post for your viewing pleasure to understand my reference. We call Avery "The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar" because the caterpillar's "Saturday" is Avery's every day. How is she only in the 1st % for weight?!

6. We have family photos on Sunday morning... at 7:30am.... an hour from our house. My husband is about ready to divorce me.  My plan for them to go well includes coffee for my 2 year old and a run through the Krisy Kreme drive thru. This could be a disaster... but we sure will have pretty light!

Your turn! Post your confession in the comments below or on facebook!  Happy Rainy Friday!


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