Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fall Photoshoot

Today I attempted a fall photoshoot with Parker. It was not quite as successful as I was hoping. First, it's winter... not fall. It looks like fall... but don't be fooled... it was probably child abuse that I didn't have Parker in a hat and parka. (sorry buddy!) Second, he was WAY more interested in playing on the swing set but that was just not the look I was going for. Third, I stepped in dog poop in my nice black flats. Bummer. I guess that's what I get for just doing the pics in the backyard instead of some nice photo-worthy site.

That was all kinda negative... hold tight for the exciting part of my day.

Here are the best of the shots I got. Regardless... he's so stinkin' cute they could be blurry and dark and they'd still be adorable!

Parker and I had the pleasure of playing with Miss Lily today so she got in on the photoshoot too. Unlike Parker, she was well behaved and I got lots of good ones of her! Here's my favorite of her.
How cute is she? OMG I want one. WAIT... I'm getting one! AHHH..... are you catching on?
We're having a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! We found out this week and I'm seriously through the moon! My mind is racing with all things pink that it literally hurts. Today I made a trip (alone!) to Hobby Lobby and managed to only spend $30 which I believe is a record. I purchased material to cover her car seat. No, she cannot have a normal Chicco. It must be boutique looking and lovely. Just because I can. It's going to be A-DOR-ABLE! I also got infant headbands and a bow making instructional manual. If you know me well enough, you know my little girl WILL wear a bow EVERYDAY. Maybe even to bed.... and if she refuses to.... I will hot glue it to her head. Well not really but this is a battle I WILL choose and I WILL win. Period.

Lastly, I jammed out to some Christmas music today in the car. LOVED it! I'm ready. Bring on the holidays... the weather sure has caught the hint! BRR!


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