Monday, September 3, 2012


Today we braved the crazies and headed uptown for some Democratic National Convention chaos fun. Because we had no idea where to park or what roads would be blocked off, we parked at the furthest train stop from the city and road the train in. Apparently every one else had the same idea. Parker (who LOVES the train) had a total meltdown that he had to sit next to someone he didn't know and that there weren't window seats available so he stood in the isle whining. It got so bad I spanked him in public on the train which I'm usually against doing. Why do kids pick holidays or busy public places to melt down?! He hasn't had a meltdown in MONTHS but being surrounded by our closest thousand friends on a train apparently set him off. Bless my mom's heart for handling him the rest of the time uptown because he would have nothing to do with me! 

You're probably wondering why I (and my super NON Democratic hubby) lugged the kids uptown for the DNC.... WELL... my sister, Kelly who moved to NYC this summer was freelancing with a marketing company that was hired to by Google to do their DNC production. We were so excited to have her back in Charlotte for a few days but she's been so crazy we've only seen her for a few minutes each time. She's been busy doing this:
This is the HUGE building they constructed for Google at the DNC (and Daniel pushing Avery, my mom searching for something to entertain Parker with and my dad looking suave in his shades)
Sticker and Button bar.
Inside of the Google building. Lots of places to sit, charge your phone, free drinks, clean potties and A/C!

This is where the important people will be interviewed.... I was not invited in the glass box. They probably wouldn't have liked what I had to say about our nations political situation.
Brother and sister enjoyed the free stickers and time with Aunt Kelly!
Parker sharing a sticker with Avie

In line with daddy to get mommy a FREE iced coffee (Thanks Google!)

Kelly looked SO official with her walkie talkie!

Dad and Kelly

Daniel and I

Avie is SO silly!
After we left the Google building we navigated the busy streets to the best of our abilities until Parker declared "Nana, you buy me a chicken nugget, okay?!" So we headed to the closest chicken nugget joint... Hooters. 
After lunch we tried to find our way back to the train station but we got misinformed by a cop that we could get on at a station we couldn't so we took the LONG way. Avery fell asleep along the stroll and Parker made my mom carry him the whole walk. Poor nana!

The train ride home went MUCH smoother! Parker got a window seat and it wasn't very busy. WHEW! I was dreading the ride home but thankfully it was an enjoyable experience!

I'm SO proud of my sister and how hard she's worked the past 3 weeks helping make the Google production so AMAZING! She's for hire... or rent so if you're hiring and are NYC or better yet Charlotte, contact me! The Google building really was pretty cool. Also cool was the....
FOX NEWS Headquarters!
I'm definitely not looking for a debate but here's my HONEST opinion of what I've seen of the DNC in Charlotte. While I appreciate all the new gadgets the police department got, the landscaping the city was able to do and the general clean up the city underwent, it came at a GREAT cost. More than I think was worth. Financially, I think the DNC and the RNC are both WAY too expensive. The tax dollars that go just to protect the candidates, senators, president, etc is astronomical. So much so that I really think this year due to the country's economic woes, it would have been more appropriate to broadcast rah rah speeches from the White House for Obama and from Romney's living room. The sheer financial expense for Obama, Biden and Clinton to travel is mind blowing.

I see streets blocked so residents can't park in their driveways.... or within blocks of their apartments for that matter. People can't get to work.  An entire intersection is blocked off around a local resort diverting traffic way out of the way. A family friend can't receive his scheduled chemo this week because the office is blocked off and forced to close. Friends can't work and aren't being paid because their employers were forced to shut down for the week.... all for????? BUT... that's just my opinion... 

Now to end on a light note... 

Love Avie's expression

This was attempt #3 and photo #3 of Kelly's eyes shut.

Parker choking nana and Kelly getting frustrated with her eyes and the best photo of me in the bunch we took. Oh group shots!

Nana's eyes are lookin' a but scary but Parker looks presh!

The pink giraffe sunglasses always make an appearance in public!

Thanks for bearing with me on this long post! Check back for Parker's 1st day of 3 year old preschool tomorrow and Avery's 1st day of tumbling class! Big day in the Wise household!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post, Taylor. Fun to see what all the buzz has been about in Charlotte. Congrats to Kelly...looks like she did a great job. Your mom looks incredible, BTW. Actually, your whole family looks terrific! The Hooter's photo is hilarious. Love your take on these conventions. I actually despise all conventions. So...who will agree to cancel theirs first??? LOL...
