Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! This is the 1st year I can ever remember not going to church on Easter. It kinda bummed me out BUT I'm 10 days or less away from delivering Avery so I can't risk any of  us getting sick. Instead, we got up, gave Parker his Easter basket/Thomas take n play rock quarry (huge hit), then headed to my parent's house. They were at church but we spent the morning playing at the park and cooking with Daniel's mom and her boyfriend. When my dad and sister returned from church, we had lunch prepared, ate and then said goodbye to Daniel's mom. They headed back to Myrtle Beach and we hit the lake! The weather couldn't have been more beautiful!

Parker is amazingly wonderful on the boat and was on major duck patrol today!  We had to stop the boat to feed each of them at least a handful of goldfish crackers. I was hoping a bumpy boat ride would help Avery along a bit but no such luck! Oh well! Here are some pictures from the boat. I didn't take my camera to the park but I did take some with my mother in law's camera which I don't have so that isn't very helpful :(

P-man and aunt Kelly. He stole my hat but it was way too cute on him to take it back!
Helping poppi drive the boat
Daniel and his mini me!
Though it wasn't our traditional Easter, it was still wonderful! Ive been jamming to "Glorious Day" by Casting Crowns which I really feel sums up the Easter story PERFECTLY! If you haven't heard it, it's on their newest CD (or YouTube!). Definitely worth checking out! Happy Easter, everyone! He is risen!


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