Thursday, February 3, 2011

Personal Victory Celebration!

In the busyness of life lately, I forgot to CELEBRATE a huge personal victory! On January 31st, 2008 I finished my LAST CHEMO!
Yes... this is possibly the WORST picture of me EVER... but it was a day for celebrating, even though I felt like death. We PROBABLY should have taken the "yay it's my last chemo pic" prior to receiving 6 hours of chemo and turning yellow. On the left is my oncologist and on the right was my infusion nurse. Big cheerleaders of mine!

It's insane how much life has changed since then! I have a baby I shouldn't be able to have and another miracle on the way! My hair is (let's be honest) pretty amazing, long and full of life and body (I can brag about this right?) Looking at me now, 3 years later, the only visible sign you can see is my port scar and 95% of people just think I was knifed instead which is WAY more gangster and it makes me laugh.

There's definitely been a change of heart. I became hard and cold to other people's problems during my cancer. It was tough to be compassionate and it's something God is really working on me with. I'm starting to see change, albeit S.L.O.W.L.Y! Sympathy, empathy and compassion are all qualities I have never had in abundance but pray to learn and feel. I see this change in my new found heart for preemies and young children in terrible circumstances. Hopefully, it continues to flow to other areas as well!

So today, despite whatever Daniel's test results are (we find out at 11:45)... today is a cupcake and sunshine day because we have SOO much to be thankful for and today we're claiming victory in that! Amen!

I leave you with this video: Healer by Hillsong. Yes, the man singing (Mike) faked his cancer and this should infuriate me but that doesn't negate the fact that this is an AMAZING song and God worked wonders in me through the lyrics of this song. This song gave me the words to claim in the name of Jesus for healing of my body and I pray and sing the same lyrics over Daniel now.
Unfortunately, blogger is being silly and it won't let me add the video so you can watch it here but you can click the link and it will take you to it.

"For NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE for YOU! YOU hold my world in YOUR hands!"
Do you have a personal victory you're celebrating? We'd love to celebrate and praise Jesus with you! Leave a comment below!


  1. Taylor-
    I don't know you, but I started reading your blog because it was linked to another one of my friend's blogs. I have a little boy who will be 2 on Sunday and a two week old. I just wanted to let you know that your family is in our prayers! My husband and I pray in the mornings before he goes to work, and I asked him to add your family to our list. We will continue to pray for your husband, you, Parker, and Avery and your pregnancy.
    In Christ,
    Rebecca Campbell

  2. Well Thank you Rebecca! Welcome to my life! I appreciate your prayers! Please add Daniel to your list again tomorrow as he has a CT scan. His uric acid levels came back abnormally high today so the doctor is doing a scan to rule out lymphoma and will do additional testing if neccessary to rule out leukemia. We appreciate all of our prayer warriors!!!! Good luck with those precious babies!

  3. We will definitely keep you all in our prayers!
